Equipped to Proclaim God's Word
“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through Psalms, hymns, and songs from the spirit. singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16
This past weekend I was asked to speak in our church’s youth service. I have spoken to these teens a few times and it is always such a blessing. Teenagers are so fun and they set a fire in me and remind me of the visions and gifts I was given so many years ago when I was their age. The Lord has been so faithful to steward those gifts and allow me to use them still. Praise God.
“Our Christian community is a teaching community and it is dependent on the saints teaching one another. ”
During the weekend I posted on my Instagram stories some background pics as I was preparing my message and I got a few responses and questions about teaching. Every time I speak or teach I get similar questions…’I don’t know how you do that’…’I could never speak’…’I wouldn’t know where to get info to teach like that.’ Friends, I believe that each of us has the gifting to teach in some capacity. In fact, our Christian community is a teaching community and it is dependent on the saints teaching one another.
Throughout the New Testament, we are encouraged to teach others.
2 Timothy 2:15 says to, “Do you best to present yourself to God as one approved…rightly handling the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 3:16 says, “all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching….”
Titus 2:4, “They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women…
1 Corinthians 14:26. “…when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.”
“We are discipled so that we can disciple others. ”
I am not saying that each of us are called to be pastors or speakers, but what I am saying is that we all have the capacity to teach others within the body of Christ because as a community of believer we are taught to proclaim the word of God. The church needs us to step into the gift of teaching God’s word because the body of Christ grows by discipling others. We are discipled so that we can disciple others. We grow in the spiritual disciplines so that we can testify and proclaim what we are learning while practicing those disciplines.
If you are a parent, a sibling, a child, a friend, you are a teacher. As I spoke to the youth this weekend from 2nd Timothy 2:12, Paul tells Timothy to “set an example to all believers.” and though he is speaking to Timothy’s age and perhaps insecurity in leading the older ones, no matter how old you are, God calls us to set an example, to be set apart and in that example that we set we become teachers.
It is essential to the growth and body of Christ for you to teach the saints.
How can we be Equipped to Teach and Proclaim God’s word?
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Abide in God’s Word.
The only way for God’s word to dwell inside of you is by taking the time to abide in His word and consume it. Studying your bible and reading your bible is not the same thing! Because God calls us to teach, we need to first be a learner. We need to not just be passive readers, but deeply dive into the context, history and theology of what God’s word says. Get a great commentary, add some books to your library on theology, listen to podcasts that show and teach on God’s word in a richer and deeper way. Each of my bible studies will help you abide in God’s word. Learn to study with the resources I have available.
Start Teaching in some capacity!
I can almost guarantee that your church needs leaders. In fact, it makes my heart hurt how much of a deficit there is in our churches when it comes to finding people who are willing to serve in a teaching capacity, be that in children’s church, youth group leaders and small groups. It seems to me that it always is the same people volunteering in these positions when we have a host of members who should be and are more than capable of teaching God’s word. The best way to learn God’s word is to teach it, to be accountable to others, and to make yourself the expert in the area of study so that you can present God’s word well.
Study Theology
We need to know what we know! We need to know what we believe and why and be ready to present our answers to anyone who asks. The world knows what they believe, many other religions know what they believe, but as Christians we tend to get lackadaisical and relatively lazy. As Hebrews says, we are content with milk and not even zelous enough to look for or digest the meat. If we do not teach theology and the foundations of our christan faith, then the church will not mature and grow and when false teachers come into the fold, the believers will be swept away. In this day and age especially, when our worldviews are being challenged daily, in our shcools, in our communities, online and even in our churches, we need to know what we believe and why and stand firm in the faith. That can only be accomplished if we do the work of teaching.
Watch what others do.
Listen and watch how others teach. Find what works or you and what moves you as a listener and then find your way. Read the gospels and look at how Jesus taught his disciples. Let Jesus be your guide and model and example. Overall be passionate. Your passion about what you are teaching will cover a multitude of mistakes and mishaps!
Proclaim God’s word
Teaching is simply proclaiming God’s word. It is the catalyst of our faith. Without teaching, the gospel does not move forward. Proclaim his word and then allow the Holy Spirit to do the communicating and convicting! Become an expert in what you believe and know and give evidence from God’s word!
You can teach. God has and will equip you, you simply must be available. This weekend I ended my Message with Isaiah 6:8 where God says, “Who will go for us?” and Isaiah responds, “Here I am, Send me!” Will you go for Him? Will you be available and prepared to be sent into your churches and small groups and communities, having done the work of studying God’s word, as an expert and ready to give an ansewr to truth and the gospel? Let that be our hearts desire and cry! Here I am Lord, send me!