Welcome Jesus and be Trustworthy of His Presence
On the front porch where the roses are blooming, the welcome mat is set out.
Welcome. An invitation to come in and just be. To be welcomed is to be gladly received.
“This is the way He desire to enter into our daily lives and be present in every aspect, bringing with him His abundant peace. ”
As I stand by my front door, I can imagine opening the door to welcome in Jesus.
He is the one I want to welcome most of all. He is the one who I would love to invite into my home, my life, my everyday ordinary and pour out a cup of coffee and all my concerns and questions and to just sit with. It sounds like a dream and yet, I know this is what Jesus wants to do with all of us. And he is always available. This is the way He desire to enter into our daily lives and be present in every aspect, bringing with him His abundant peace.
I am at a friends house and her home is so homey. I am invited to sit and chat and catch up. She pours my new favorite tea called Paris and it is warmth and beauty in a cup. It’s easy being present because I am not being pulled in 500 directions, I don’t see the mound of laundry on my couch at home, I put aside all the worries of the day and all of my to do list even for a little bit to enjoy her complany and a cup of tea and I think, this is what it’s like to be in the presence of God.
The psalmist writes, “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise,” Psalm 100:4. We can enter in to his presence with thanksgiving because we trust that all the things that have to get done will get done with him at our side. We praise Him because we know his faithfulness never forsakes us. All the laundry and worries and to do’s will be there, but so will God and he will strengthen, comfort and guide us.
When I rest in his presence, I am able to work from that rest. I lift my prayers to him and he covers me with his holy spirit, our comfort. I meditate on his word, knowing that he leads me, my hope is in him, I am his child and his friend and His word guides me into his glorious light. A life lightened and burdens lighted.
Today I make space to be in his word.
“It matters little what the day brings, what the enemy intends for him or what tomorrow holds, his daily life is established in thanksgiving and prayer to his God. ”
I open to the book of Daniel, a man set apart and lifted up in a dark world. A man who sets his days on the practice of daily rhythms.
He faces Jerusalem, the land of his fathers, and prays to his God by his open window three times daily. It matters little what the day brings, what the enemy intends for him or what tomorrow holds, his daily life is established in thanksgiving and prayer to his God.
He opens the windows and welcomes in God’s presence. He welcomes him when days are good and when days are gone. He welcomes him when joy prevails and when sorrows arise. He calls on God as he help in times of need and he knows His God is trustworthy.
Throughout Daniel 6, we find that there is not much more mentioned of Daniel other than his character and his routine. In such a trial, we don’t read of how Daniel felt or feared, we don’t read of Daniel speaking much. We see he prays “just like he did before…” and we see him thrown into the lions den. However, what we do see is the king worried! King Darius does all he can to rescue Daniel and stays up all night worried.
Daniel practiced being in God’s presence throughout his day. Whether in his home or in the home of the lions, Daniel always sought God’s presence and he knew that in God’s presence there was nothing to fear.
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You deserve to Live a Life in his Presence!
God will always rescue us from the mouths of lions and place us in the presence of the almighty.
Like Daniel, we must practice abiding in God’s presence. In John 15, Jesus tells uses the words remain and abide about 10 times. He repeats this desire he has for us, to remain, again and again. He established this practice of abiding in the garden of Gethsemanes, before he is taken to the cross, for this was his desire for all of his disciples, including us.
He calls us to abide in his presence for 5 reasons:
So He can abide and be present in us.
That we may bear fruit.
So he can intercede for us.
That His love will be in us.
So that our joy may be complete.
Open the door and welcome in the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Let the presence of God abide in your heart and in your homes. Remain in thier presence daily. Let us be like Daniel who was called trustworthy. Trustworthy to be hospitable, trustworthy to be faithful and trustworthy of the presence of God.
Welcome Jesus, we receive you with glad and sincere hearts!