She came downstairs for the third time. It was about midnight. I was tired and frustrated and annoyed. Not a good place for mommy to be.
“What’s wrong now.”
“Mommy, I’m sorry, I just feel weird. I can’t stop thinking about stuff.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“Just dumb stuff. I’m just worried about if people like me. I’m nervous about my play. My mind just won’t stop and I’m just thinking about all kinds of stuff and I don’t like it.”
In that instant my frustration was swept away.
In that instant I saw myself in her blue eyes.
In that instant I was reminded that she wasn’t a little girl with little girl fears, she was growing into a woman with real emotions and hormones and insecurities and fears.
A Mother's Sacrifice, Work and Desire for Recognition
I sat at a conference unaware that I was about to be broken.I was pulled to go and pray with someone.I watched as others walked over for prayer. I knew I needed to get up, but I was scared.What was I going to say?I wasn’t even sure what I needed prayer for, but I needed something.I needed to be filled.To be emptied.To breathe.I needed restoration.
IF: Gathering, a Small yes and a Changed life
This past weekend I, along with some dear friends co-hosted a live streaming of IF: Gathering or what we call, IF: Richmond/Katy. [dt_gap height="10" /]I really had very few expectations for this weekend for myself.I knew God was going to show up.I knew he was going to bring down walls.I knew these things, because IF: Gathering awakened me last year and propelled me forward in ways I never imagined and I knew it would do the same for many who wanted the same for their own lives.