What Your Home Really Needs To Become
In the midst of living busy, over scheduled lives, where home was simply the place you laid down your head before the next succession of days, we began to believe that living happens outside of the home.
Our best lives were lived on vacation and at backyard parties, yet Home is where you live. Home is where you really are alive, because home is your sanctuary.
She came downstairs for the third time. It was about midnight. I was tired and frustrated and annoyed. Not a good place for mommy to be.
“What’s wrong now.”
“Mommy, I’m sorry, I just feel weird. I can’t stop thinking about stuff.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“Just dumb stuff. I’m just worried about if people like me. I’m nervous about my play. My mind just won’t stop and I’m just thinking about all kinds of stuff and I don’t like it.”
In that instant my frustration was swept away.
In that instant I saw myself in her blue eyes.
In that instant I was reminded that she wasn’t a little girl with little girl fears, she was growing into a woman with real emotions and hormones and insecurities and fears.
My son can be difficult. He is definitely an 'alpha male,' strong willed, stubborn and relentless. I am the opposite in many ways. I don't like confrontation and am very sensitive, yet easily angered. We have both become better. That's what growing up does, right...it makes us better. We both have a long way to go.
My children are getting older. When I first started writing I wrote about my motherhood struggles and of the waking hours, the weary and the worries. We have transitioned from those years and have moved into the years of what I call ‘flight training’ years. As my children get older they begin to practice flying from the nest.
I walk into the laundry room. Towels have erupted all over the place. I’m days behind on the monotony of wash, dry, fold, put away. The sink has dishes piled up. Each of my kids are needing something from me at the same time. I feel guilt wash over me…It’s all so messy and busy and weary.
What Mothers must Remember at Bedtime
It's 3 o'clock in the morning and for the 3rd night in a row a little girl comes down crying and coughing. Her breathing is wheezy, Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are so tired.We have had a permanent pallet on our floor for so many nights.We fall into parenting without missing a beat. We take temps, administer medicine, give water, hold, cuddle, kiss, pray over and she sleeps.5:45..."mommy..." she then proceeds to ask me a question. I have no idea what she is talking about! I'm not even sure if I'm dreaming or awake!7:00 a.m..."mommy, I\'m awake."We are all awake.The day passes. Nothing stops. We head to the doctor, the pharmacy, gotta make breakfast, lunch, plan dinner. I help my children with school, I wash dishes, I work on projects. I give medicine, check temperatures and make sure lots of liquids are being consumed. I prepare dinner, take one to piano, take another to swim practice.It's evening.Finally bedtime.
A Mother's Sacrifice, Work and Desire for Recognition
I sat at a conference unaware that I was about to be broken.I was pulled to go and pray with someone.I watched as others walked over for prayer. I knew I needed to get up, but I was scared.What was I going to say?I wasn’t even sure what I needed prayer for, but I needed something.I needed to be filled.To be emptied.To breathe.I needed restoration.
5 Ways to Embrace the Bored Moments and Create Summer Memories
Summertime is finally upon us! Sunshine and long, lazy days. Poolside and snow cones, day trips and vacates! I LOVE Summer!Despite all the fun I plan to make Summer memorable and enjoyable for my little tribe, there are always those days where I hear 3 little words that drive my bonkers…”Mom, I’m bored.”I’m gonna be honest, my kids aren’t really allowed to utter those words.They know their momma does not take kindly to such words and will usually find a chore for whoever says them. Seriously ya’ll, it’s inexcusable. In this day and age boredom should not exist. Screen entertainment alone should take care of all boredom, not to mention books, pools, trampolines, play equipment and toys that litter every room.I am all about making summer memorable. We craft and play and I have board on pinterest with all kinds of summer fun. We go on adventures and vacations and day outings, but there are many days where we stay home and relax and enjoy being home. Unfortunately, I find that many of us moms can easily lose our balance when it comes to summer fun and instead of enjoying the long, lazy days, we fall into becoming cruise directors! We have this idea that we must fill in every hour of the day for our kids so that they enjoy their summer break and we run around crazy with our clip boards of activities filling every moment with things to do.
As I sat down to write this morning, this was not the post I was intending to write. But many times, the Lord tends to grab the pen and changes my plan and words and so this. Yesterday a sweet friend of mine posted something on Facebook and I laughed at her antics and totally related to her struggle and then got distracted with children asking me for something. I can’t even remember if I liked her post. Nonetheless, I was reminded of it this morning and so, to all you sweet, faithful mothers doing your best to pour into your children your hearts and faith, I am here to tell you that You are Amazing and all that you do to reach and teach your children truths is not falling on deaf ears, but you are building a foundation that will carry your children further than you can imagine.
Finding Him in Everyday Living
I’m spending a beautiful weekend on a beach in Florida. It’s chilly, for a cold front just came into the sunshine state, but even still, nothing beats the beach.I can hear the waves hit the shore and I see people waking on the sand. The water sparkles like chrystal and it’s blue waters goes beyond the eye can see into the horizon.I wonder, as I sit in the quiet of my room. My mind wanders and I wonder.All perspective is in my heart and minds eye. The beauty of life is striking and in the calm of the sea I can survey my life, past, present and future and I can wonder and know and believe.The Word teaches us the way we are to live, the truths we are to pursue, All we must stay away from and all we must seek and find.In the quiet reflections of this moment, I want to live for the right now. The moments of daily life; yes, even the monotonous and mundane, because after all this life that has come before, I have learned that the monotonous and mundane life is where grace is found. The quiet, daily living is where I come to serve and where I lose myself and become more like my Savior.